Do One Thing A Day!

My sister shared this concept with me a few months ago, and I have benefited so much from it I wanted to share it with you all!

To-do lists, schedules, and free time seem like they all are conspire together to make it hard for us to get everything done that we want to!

Projects we had ideas for, or maybe even half started, are pushed aside as the more pressing matters of life take precedence.

Although much could be said about time management and schedules, I want to share a simple tip that changed the way I looked at investing time and energy in all the different things on my plate:

Do One Thing A Day!

That is it! Every day, make sure you do at least one thing for your business, project, future investments, whatever it is.

If you get one thing done every day; at the end of the month you will have completed 30 things toward your project! 30 things! Sure it's spread out, but it's better than not having done those 30 things! 

We might not have time to sit down and reply to 20 emails in one day, but we can answer one. Maybe you don't have time to work on your business for an hour but you can put 10 minutes towards it.
Didn't get to workout but you can do 20 push-ups before you go to bed.

Try it for one month! I think you will be surprised at how much you get done :)

Love Holly
