.........When You Don't Know What To Do!
Welcome to the first post in the series of Writing Wednesdays! Today's topic is What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do!
I am going to share some advice and insight that has helped me; specifically in the area of business/serving, and where to start when you are wanting to do something but don't know how or what.
First of all I want to say that seeking the Lord is the number one place to begin! Ask Him what He would like you to do! Read your Bible, spend time in prayer, and search your own heart. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. When God places desires in your heart, He WILL give you the tools, resources, people, etc. needed to fulfill that desire.
Second of all I want to say that I am sharing thoughts based off my life experiences and what has helped me. My goal is to provide inspiration and encouragement for you, not to say I know it all or this is a one stop shop!
Alright let's get started! A Preacher once said:
"When you don't know what to do; do what God has called you to do last, until He calls you to do something else."
Sounds simple right? But not so simple to apply! What has God called you to do? Or more specifically, where are you at in life? Are you still at home? Still in school? Graduated but without a job?
How can we know what we are supposed to be doing?
The bigger question is: what is your why? What is your purpose?
If you know your why, the what will fall into place.
To give you an example: writing is what I do, sharing what I've learned with people is why I do it.
How I demonstrate my why - sharing what I've learned - looks different all the time, but the why I do it never changes.
Remember: If your why is big enough the what will fall in place!
So what is your why? What brings you the most joy? What is something you would do even if you never got paid for it? If you could do anything for a career, what would it be?
Got it? Great!
Now ask yourself; why did I choose that career?
Now for sake of the illustration, let's say you chose being a painter. Painting is something you absolutely love to do, would do it for free, and would love a career out of it!
Alright, now why do you love to paint? Lets say you love to paint because you enjoy bringing beauty to others. Perfect. Now that you know your why, you can do hundreds of different things that all fall under the category or bringing beauty to others! See how easy it is?
Now if you're clueless as to what you want to do or why you want to; don't be discouraged! Here's my advice to you: try everything! Experiment! Work at several different kinds of jobs and see which one you like best! Eventually you will hit on what your passion is and you can go from there.
Also I wanted to close with 5 ideas to make money as a side hustle; most of them can be done from home. Just wanted to give you some examples of what's out there!
1) Photography
Do you enjoy photography? Offer to do senior portraits or a family session, baby showers, wedding showers, first birthday parties, etc. If you don't want to jump right in; offer your services to family and friends for free, then once you get the hang of it, start your business!
2) Teaching
Do you play a musical instrument? Know how to build a website? Someone wants to learn! Remember you don't have to know it all to pass on your knowledge. You can start with beginner students and as you grow in that role and gain confidence, you can charge more and teach intermediate students!
3) Freelance Work
There are several sites such has freelancer.com and upwork.com which you can create a profile and find lots of jobs that can be done from a laptop with wifi. Editing articles, ghost-writing for bloggers, creating content for websites, graphic designers, website designers, and so much more! Thousands of jobs posted daily.
4) Paid Reviews and Surveys
There are literally thousands of companies which will pay you to test their product and send back a review! If you enjoy trying out new products or enjoy taking surveys, this is for you! Companies will also pay you to send them a completed survey after you watch commercials, read advertisements, and view their website!
5) Personal Shopper
If you don't mind shopping and like to be around older people, this might be a good fit for you! A lot of older people will pay to have you shop for their groceries or other various items. Find a mobile home park, or retirement center and find a way to present yourself in a trustworthy manner.
I hope this gave you some inspiration or an idea for another side hustle. Remember two things every successful person does: 1) you don't have to get it right to get it going and 2) embrace failure.
Love, Holly
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"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." [Psalm 19:14]