New Series Starting -- Writing Wednsdays!!

I L.O.V.E to write! Short stories, songs, devotionals, opinions, random thoughts about life, etc.

When I was seven, my Grandma gave me a journal for Christmas, and ever since then I've kept one, and have greatly enjoyed putting down my thoughts.
As I got older, I started writing several books (still unfinished!), entered many short story contests, and developed a handwriting program for children in grade school.
That brings me up to the last 4 years, where I started writing songs for our band, Citizens of Glory, and learning about a new style of writing.

But as much as I love writing; if something isn't planned for and scheduled out - as we all know! - it ain't happenin'!

So welcome to my new series called........Writing Wednesdays! Every Wednesday I will put out something I've written as a way for me to stay consistent with writing and publishing it; and my hope is that you friends find something every week that is helpful or inspiring for you!
Be looking for devotionals, recent thoughts and musings, business ideas, tips & tricks, life hacks, health habits, and more!

This week's post is this one introducing the series, and next week's post will be about what to do when you don't know what to do; I'll share some advice and insight that really helped me!

Holly <3

(P.S. Before you go, if there is anything you'd be interested in having me write about; drop a comment below and let me know :-))
