Memorial Day

This Memorial Day we had our traditional BBQ and then just hung out as a family; enjoying each other and getting bit by mosquitoes. I got my camera out and shot around, capturing the littles in their play. They grow up so fast! It seems like just yesterday that Daniel was a little baby and Peter was toddling around. Now Joshie is the baby, and Daniel is running around; trying to do cartwheels like his older siblings. 
Littles are so much fun and I am so thankful to have a bunch of them :-)

Daniel and Peter

Red flowers are so pretty!

Chase BBQ's the best hamburgers.

Joshie is four months old! He is growing so quickly. BTW, these are the first smiles I've been able to capture on camera; he knows how to turn them on and off :p

Justus and his crazy "at-the-buzzer" shots :)

I had them all line up before they did some cartwheels.

Thankful for all these littles!


  1. Awwwww Joshie!! You have the cutest smile ever!!

  2. Great pictures!:) Joshie is so cute

  3. I love the second to last picture! They are so sweet!
    It was so good to meet y'all in July!
    -Anne S.
    {I nominated your blog for "the Liebster Award" on my blog:}


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