
Saturday we woke up to close to a foot of snow! The rest of the day was spent playing in it, enjoying it from the warmth of the house, and taking pictures of it. Our first snowfall was a big one and is still hanging around.

Snow gives beauty to dead plants :)

I really like how the snow brings out shapes and patterns that would've otherwise been unnoticed.

Justus has been building up this jump for a while before it snowed so we enjoyed this immensely. If you click on the pictures to enlarge them, you can see his comical expressions :-)

I wish we had holly berries around, but these will do :)

And I couldn't resist this picture of Peter and Daniel all dressed up in their vests and hats.........
Sunday morning all ready for church!


  1. wow!!!!!! how neat tht you guys get snow! so amazing..
    #snowsnowsnow #awesomepeople #winterfun

  2. I absolutely love Jae's facial expessions! And Pete and Dan are cute as ever. It's amazing how they're all growing soo fast! :)

  3. I really like snow. Everything is so pretty after it snows.:) Great pictures! Thanks for sharing them.:)
    See you Saturday!!!!

  4. The snow was so much fun!! We still have a little big. The pictures are lovely!!

  5. Aren't snow pictures so much fun to take! I just love it. We had a lot of fun sledding and doing snow ball fights as well.
    Missed you Sunday:(

  6. Love the pictures Holly! Thanks for posting for me:)!!


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