Last Week

Some highlights from last week were: a train trip to Hanford; music practice for our family's Christmas concert (which I will post about later); and my violin student's Christmas recital. I've complied some pictures that give a brief glimpse into last week:

Okay wasn't really a highlight, but kinda was after I saw Daniel's face :-)

Our trip to Hanford via Amtrak:
Getting ready to board the train.

We had a large  group!

We ate a picnic lunch at a nearby park before going to the ice cream shop.

Our destination: Superior Dairy.

Something I learned right then: they serve massive scoops! (We didn't finish all that :p)

The whole group minus the photographers.

Chase and Luke's crazy tic-tac-toe game kept us laughing on the way there :-)

My violin student's Christmas recital:
They have all advanced so much, working hard to get there, and I am so proud of them! I love teaching them :)


  1. I love the leaf picture!!! Daniel is the star, of course. :) And our faces in the ice cream pic say it all, don't they? Ha!

  2. Cool pics, Holly! Daniel is soo adorable! :)

  3. you guys have such a neat family. what kind of camera do u use, it takes great pics. I like the first pic the best!
    #train #icecream #familytogether

  4. Looks like fun.:) Great pictures, Holly!


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"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." [Psalm 19:14]