Photography Challenge: Final Set

Here is the last set of the challenge pictures! I hope that you enjoy them.

Day 17: Close Up
I love the smile this bunny has!

 Day 18: Backlighting

Day 19: Time
For winter! Preparations are already underway :)

Day 20: Stranger
To me :) I've never seen a grasshopper with this kind of stripes.

Day 21: Sweet
Given to me by one of my younger sisters

Day 22: Highlight of the Day
Wining places at the 2013 Smokey Bear Run!!!

Day 23: Movement

Day 24: Shadows
Rabbit, dog, and duck :)

Day 25: Color

Day 26: There's something odd about the picture.....
Enlarge the picture and you'll see the "non iron" tag :) I can safely say from my years of ironing that "non iron" shirts definitely require some ironing!

Day 27: Your Favorite....?
Car! VW Bug of course :)

Day 28: Light

Day 29: Surprise!
Due to a mix-up in Fairwind's schedule, they didn't know we were coming! Surprise! They were gracious to let us stay and perform anyway :-)

Day 30: Your Choice
Berry vines


  1. Lovely photos, Holly! I really like your lighting in the shots, you capture the natural light well. :)

  2. Great pictures Holly!!:) See you tomorrow.:);)

  3. Nice pics, Holly! Love the VW bugs pic! :)


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"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." [Psalm 19:14]