Track Meet 2013

Justus and Elley had a track meet last weekend and they both did really well! In the two events they ran, Elley came in 1st place twice and Justus came in 1st and 2nd place. This is the same track meet that Chase, Macy and I ran at when we were their ages, so it's really neat being in the stands and watching them run!


Crossing the finish line in the 200 meter dash.

 Justus coming down home stretch in the 800 meter run.

 400 meter dash.

Justus's 400 meter dash. It was really close but Justus's chest crossed the line first. 
Congratulations you two! Next up is the meet in Tulare :)


  1. GO, Justus and Elley!!! :) I'm proud of you both!! :) Miss you all!! :)

  2. WWOOOWHHOO!!!! You go Justus and Elley! Congrats!


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