Below are just a few pictures from last weekend. My Grandpa's 70th birthday party! (Many of you have my met my Grandpa and Grandma at our New Years parties :))
Opening gifts
My second and third cousins, Danyel and Marcada
Aunt Julie, Grandma and Macy
(yes, the Aunt Julie:))
Grandpa! (we had fun with this part :-D)
Some of the menu for the day.......yum!
The rest of the day went fast. We performed, played spoons and midnight madness, roasted Grandpa and enjoyed one another's company :) The next day, Sunday, we had a full house again and Grandpa gave a wonderful message about the church of Corinth. That was our weekend :) Happy Birthday Grandpa! We are so blessed to have you in our lives!
Looks like you all had fun... We would have loved to been there!!! Miss you all!! :)