Chaffee Zoo Trip

Last weekend our family went with 10 other families to the Chaffee Zoo. We had a really awesome time and as we hadn't been to a zoo since I was about 4, we were so glad that the opportunity came! Thank you again Mrs. Becker for coordinating it! We got there early in the morning and were SO thankful that we did later in the day when it got hot and CROWDED :)
Alright, I've included some pictures of our trip below; and photo credits go to Justus, Chase and I :-)

These seriously looked fake!

These two were hilarious! The orange one hung upside down (as in the photo) and was poking the other one trying to get it to play :)

Fighting Peccaries.....

Those of us that were in the same area at that time :)

After leaving the zoo, us and the Beyers went to a frozen yogurt shop and finished the day off with a little sweetness.


  1. Great pictures!:) Thank you for sharing them. Maybe someday we all can go together.:):)

  2. Love your comments and photos of the zoo!
    Glad you had a great time! Grama XO

  3. Lovely pictures!! It looks like y'all had a fun time. I love the zoo! I am looking forward to going soon.

  4. Great pictures you three! I really wish I would have gone now! :( Oh well... Maybe next time. :)

  5. Looks like you all had fun, Holly!! We all really wanted to go... But it wasn't fitting in our schedule!! :) But I'm glad you all had fun!! ;)


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