Old Books

Old Books. I just love old books. They add an extra joy to reading. I read a quote recently that sums up exactly what I feel about old books: "Old books exert a strange fascination for me --their smell, their feel, their history; wondering who might have owned them, how they lived, what they felt."
 Carefully turning pages that are loosely attached to the binding -pages that have yellowed with time- and reading what it has to offer is one of my favorite things to do. My friend Haley passed on to me her passion for old books and collecting them, and over the last year or so I have started my own collection on my bookshelf.

Two of my greatest treasures are an old hymnary from Canada, and a Bible that once belonged to my great-great-grandma. (I've posted a picture of the Bible before.) My oldest book is over a hundred years old. I know that's not very old to some of you who have books way older than that, but for my shelf, it is old :)

I know that just because a book is old does not mean it is good; but there have been some really neat finds in my search! Life was so different back then. Commodities that we take for granted today were unheard of. It is interesting to catch a glimpse of people's daily life whether they were rich or poor, city slicker or farm girl.

I will close with a quote that I came across around Thanksgiving:

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift:
that's why they call it the present."
                                                                                            -Eleanor Roosevelt


  1. Great post! Hm...does that copy of The Robe look familier?? ;)

  2. Great post Holly! I like the quote you have at the end! Yes! Old books hold riches of their own! :)

  3. Like your quotes.:) I like old books too.:)

  4. WOOT WOOT!!! Yeeeeah... Gotta love old books! :D

  5. I LOVE old books. If any books have a smell it would definitely be old ones. I love old books with hand written notations in them. It makes me wonder even more about the previous person who owned them.


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"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." [Psalm 19:14]