Extension Tubes

The past few days I've really enjoyed using extension tubes on my camera. I really like macro photography and since I don't have a macro lens (yet!), this is as close as I can get right now :) Enjoy the photos!


  1. Nice pictures Holly! Pictures 2,3 and 8 are awesome! I wanna try them out some time!

  2. Love your pics Holly! I like 3,4,5, and 6 the best!!! :) Keep practicing on photography! ;)

  3. Great pictures Holly!:)

  4. Nice! Great Job on those Holly!!!

  5. Beautiful, but a question? How much closer CAN you get? Those are pretty well focused shots-great job! I also liked the carved book pages saying 'Read', and your comments about old books, because I have always loved them too. I found more old books for you the next time we visit! Love, Grama XO
    P.S. I didn't know that Grandpa Shaw emailed you, that's great!


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"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." [Psalm 19:14]