
Happy 12.12.2012! Hope you enjoy it and do something fun :) If you did do something to celebrate, leave a comment and share what you did!
Today marks the last day of the 1/1/01 - 12/12/12 years. The next one won't be for a hundred years (2112).....or if you're wanting it to be a pure '12', a thousand years (3012)!
And, if you were born before the year 2001, you've lived through all the 1/1/01 - 12/12/12 years.

(P.S. Don't know if you noticed but this was also published at 12:12 pm :-))


  1. I am going to make and decorate sugar cookies with my siblings.
    Enjoy 12/12/12 and the rain!!

  2. We all shouted when it turned 12/12/12



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"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." [Psalm 19:14]