The Past Week......

I just wanted to write a quick note about the last week because it was filled to the brim with wonderful times that left me very thankful!

Tim's terrific turkeys :)

Thanksgiving was spent with the Smith family. We greatly enjoyed our days with them cooking, eating, cleaning up, playing games, and fellowshipping around the fire!

Saturday, I went disc-golfing for the first time! I enjoyed myself immensely and can't wait to do it again :) I think I can safely say that "disc-golfing with friends" is definitely added to my Autumn list! Thank you Chase for that birthday gift to me!

The annual Messiah Sing-A-Long held in Fresno was Sunday. A wonderful evening was had proclaiming in song almost all the prophecies in Scripture of the coming King! I didn't take any pictures; the credit for the picture below goes to the Fresno Bee

                                   (If you look closely, you can see Haley and I :-))

I hope that the last week left you very thankful for family, friends and our Lord Jesus Christ!


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"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." [Psalm 19:14]