Artisan Bread

If you were to come over to our house for supper one night, chances are we would be having this delicious bread with our meal! Just recently I purchased an Artisan bread recipe book and over the last couple weeks have been working on mastering this kind of bread - which also conveniently happens to be my favorite! 
The following photos quickly go through the process from beginning to end.

Buon Appetito!


  1. You're bread is the absolute BEST!!!

  2. That bread looks really good.:) Next time we come up you will have to make some.:) Great pictures!:)

  3. I made that yesterday and it turned out perfectly! And it's such an easy recipe that we can make it often! Great pictures too.

  4. Okay Holly, I belive you now...

  5. wow that looks amazing. you'll have to share your secret. ~Suey


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"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." [Psalm 19:14]