Our Beach Trip

August 10 we set out for the beach......and didn't make it. As you can see in the photo below, we were having some problems! Some friends had graciously offered us the use of their RV so we went down to their house to pick it up. Unfortunately it was having some battery problems and seven hours, two Triple A calls, In-n-Out at 1:30 a.m., and a multitude of loading/unloading later - we were back home. After four hours sleep, we loaded up again - this time in our cars - and hit the road. 

Arriving at the beach late afternoon, we hung out for a while before heading over to the Keulen's house. 

I didn't take pictures while we were there because I was enjoying myself to much :P But before we left, us girls had a quick photo op.

Macy and Beth


                                                                   Mary and I 
                          (This is at Pismo after a amazing game of beach volleyball!)

Here we are at Avila. We always go there so the kids can play on the playground and we can take advantage of the basketball court nearby.

Next we went to Montaña de Oro. A beautiful screensaver-type beach with a lovely drive getting there! We enjoyed the natural caves in the cliffs and the unique rocks that were scattered about the beach.

We took the most pictures here as you can see :)

Macy and I at Pismo

We also had gone to Cambria. I though this picture below was especially funny :) Note the sign? We didn't stay long here and most certainly did not so much as place a foot in the water! Seriously.

Thus ends our beach trip. 

Credits: Almost all the scenery photos were taken by Chase


  1. Great pictures.:) Sounds like you all had a great time.:)

  2. Wow... The last picture IS amazing!

  3. Hey, I didn't know you knew the Keulen's.
    I like the photos with the sharp rock on the side.

  4. Wow! It looks like you had a great trip! I think that we were up in Cambria at the same time, too bad we missed you:).
    I received your letter, thank you so much!!! You are such an encouragement to me! I took your advice to heart, and posted today:). I'll write you a letter in response to all topics you brought up, but I won't take up any more room on your blog:)
    Love you!


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"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." [Psalm 19:14]