Our Weekend

The past weekend was incredibly busy, and here are some pictures that sum it all up :)

Macy and I are part of the Mariposa Symphony Orchestra which holds it's Spring concert in the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park. Since it was also Macy's 14th birthday, our whole church surprised her and I by coming out and supporting us! It was such a blessing!  

Afterwards we moved out to the lawn and had a picnic lunch, and then Dad gave a short message. Our grandparents had come up as well, which was so neat!

Then we hiked to the lower Yosemite Falls, got all wet, came back down and had donuts in lieu of cake :)

Walking up to the Falls. 

I told you we got wet!

Grandpa & Grandma with the birthday girl. 

All the girls.

Dad and Mom with Macy.

The Moms.

Yes, all the boys :)

The Dads that were available for a picture :)

Miss Macy. 

........And that was our weekend! On the way back from Yosemite, we were re-routed due to a flipped semi, so we got home around 10pm. Of course the guys were h-u-n-g-r-y, so we made a little snack, then went to bed around 11pm. Full, but wonderful day!

-Photos courtesy of Chase


  1. Yay! What a fun day it was!!! Holly, I am in way too many pictures...


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"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." [Psalm 19:14]